Progress Made on Scam Text Messages With New FCC Rules

Progress Made on Scam Text Messages With New FCC Rules

Ars Technica reports that the FCC has finalized some rules that will require mobile phone carriers to block robotext messages that are likely to be illegal. These new rules are the first stepping stones to helping mobile phone users from being inundated with scam robotext messages that have been increasing by the thousands every year. Scams like the examples you see below try to hit you with fear and panic quickly by saying a popular account you may have (Amazon, PayPal, Apple ID, various banks, etc) has been locked or compromised and want you to tap on a link to resolve the issue. These links are not legit and no legit service would randomly text you to say that any account you may have with them has been locked or send you a link that doesn’t go directly to their website.

Amazon text message scam example
PayPal text message scam example
Apple text message scam example